All that happens at St Mary Magdalene is made possible by those who pray, serve and give financially to the work of the church. Please read on for details of how to give.
Your Giving Counts
Trust us, this has never been so true. These are challenging times with the conflict in Ukraine and the rise in food and fuel prices. But your generosity in one-off donations, increases in your standing orders and people joining the planned giving scheme (plus paring back our expenditure wherever we can) is enabling us to weather the storm.
Your amazing and freely given support – whether it’s through time, talents or money – is truly valued and has enabled us to contribute to the pay and housing of our Vicar and Curate, new initiatives like the Winter Welcome and Circle Time, installing a new gas-efficient Boiler, as well as a wonderful new Organ to enhance our flourishing Choir and Music.
But even with all that support, we still need more to develop our vision of SMM as the focal point of our community, caring for those who are isolated, those struggling with their mental health, welcoming families, children and teens and keeping our buildings warm, safe and welcome as we seek to share the love of God in Wandsworth Common.
Thank you for your generosity.
How to give to St. Mary Magdalene
Giving at Sunday Service:
If you pay UK tax (income or capital gains tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax, please fill out the GIFT AID DECLARATION (please download). St Mary Magdalene Wandsworth Common can then recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given. If you pay higher rate tax you may recover this through your own tax return.
With a Standing Order:
Monthly giving helps us plan for the future of our church. For regular giving simply set up a standing order with your bank then let us know.
Bank details: The PCC of the Eccle’l Parish of St Mary Magdalene
Account number: 00031191
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Leave a Legacy
Contact the church office for more information.
etails: The PCC of the Eccle’l Parish of St Mary Magdalene
Account number: 00031191
Sort Code: 40 52 40
If you would like to make a one-off donation to St Mary Magdalene today please visit our Give A Little page or use this QR code.