Kenneth Frost: Monday 22nd February 1915
Kenneth joined the Artists Rifles in 1909 and volunteered for overseas service at the outbreak of war. He went to France as a Corporal on 22 October 1914. Three months later he was given a commission as Second Lieutenant in the South Staffordshire Regiment. He transferred to 1st Batt. Royal West Kent Regiment on 16 February 1915. He was killed in action 6 days later at Zillebeke in Belgium. His commanding officer from the South Staffordshire’s described him “as one of the most promising young officers in his command both for resource and bravery. He is commemorated on the Menin Gate. Probate was granted to his father, then living at 11 Mayford Road Balham for £66 07s. 07d.
Kenneth was born in London on the 28th April 1892 and educated at Reading School. After school, he worked for a firm of wholesale stationers in London. After the war, an obituary and photo were entered in De Ruvigny’s Roll of Honour.
Kenneth’s elder brother was also killed and commemorated on the SMM memorial.